Pipeline Inspection: A Closer Look at Complex Corrosion
Why it’s a number one menace to pipeline integrity and how to identify and prevent the issue. Complex corrosion is an operator’s #1 integrity challenge. Unaddressed, it can lead to, at worst, an unplanned release and, at best, unnecessary digs. The ENTEGRA Ultra-High-Resolution ILI system provides today’s pipeline operator with the insight and knowledge needed …
Why it’s a number one menace to pipeline integrity and how to identify and prevent the issue.
Complex corrosion is an operator’s #1 integrity challenge. Unaddressed, it can lead to, at worst, an unplanned release and, at best, unnecessary digs. The ENTEGRA Ultra-High-Resolution ILI system provides today’s pipeline operator with the insight and knowledge needed to minimize risk, mitigate threats and better manage complex corrosion.
What Is Complex Corrosion?
While simple, easy-to-detect and identify metal loss anomalies don’t normally present a difficult challenge for most ILI techniques, corrosion that interacts with other metal loss or within various types of pipeline anomalies and features present a clear and present obstacle to operators needing a complete picture of their pipelines.
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Most ILI methods cannot effectively assess multiple metal loss anomalies acting in concert within a pipeline. Such complex anomalies were previously thought to be undetectable. Pits-in-pits. True pinholes. Corrosion in proximity to a seam weld or a girth weld. Metal loss preferential to a seam weld or a girth weld. Corrosion coincidental to a dent. Corrosion in reconditioned (e.g., puddle-welded) pipe. These are but a few examples of metal loss groups that can defy detection as well as accurate identification. This is why the term “complex corrosion” is so appropriate, since up until now, there were no readily available solutions. And, certainly, no simple ones.
The ENTEGRA System
The ENTEGRA UHR ILI system combines robust, state-of-the-art MFL technology, backed by human-experience based data analysis, proving itself to be the best approach for detecting, identifying and sizing complex corrosion. This combination provides the most detailed and accurate data available for the entire pipe, inside and out – and at a first-run success rate in excess of 98%. The heart of such a system is the nuanced analysis of the data, afforded by the decision making and insight of a hands-on analyst, something that automated ILI systems simply cannot achieve.
The Result
The end result is a comprehensive, integrated system for providing today’s pipeline operator with the insight and knowledge needed to minimize risk, mitigate threats and better plan for their ongoing remediation programs. This is particularly critical when multiple metal loss groups pose such complex challenges.
The System in Action — The ENTEGRA Difference.
When compared to the impact of an unplanned release or the cost of unnecessary mitigation, an investment in ILI run is insignificant.
ENTEGRA’s UHR ILI System — paradigm shifting technology backed by a DA team delivering nuanced data analysis – helps operators to better manage metal loss and the costly challenges posed by complex corrosion. ENTEGRA is setting the bar, worldwide, for first-run success, increased throughput, reduced run costs, risk mitigation and ROI. That’s the ENTEGRA difference.
See for yourself.
Fill out the form below to download our comprehensive look at Complex Corrosion, or ask an ENTEGRA representative for the latest API 1163 spec.