True UHR

Are You Seeing Your Pipeline in True UHR?

Oil and gas pipeline operators deserve to see more and know more about their pipelines.

When it comes to protecting the integrity of your pipeline, information is everything. The more data you have, the better decisions you can make for operational efficiency and safety. So, when it’s time to conduct an in-line inspection, how can you be sure you’re getting the most information possible? Are you seeing the big picture and all the details embedded within it?

True UHR reveals more

We live in a high-definition world. From the cameras on the phones in our pockets to the TVs in our homes, we’ve become accustomed to unprecedented clarity in visual information. Similar advances have greatly improved the capabilities of ILI. But to achieve the ultimate in resolution — Ultra-High Resolution — takes much more than an upgraded array of sensors. With an approach that combines smart engineering, state-of-the-art equipment and advanced data science, ENTEGRA® has developed True UHR in ILI, for an unprecedented level of data and understanding in pipeline inspection.

What distinguishes True UHR?

True UHR from ENTEGRA is not just a tool, it’s a system. True UHR uses leading-edge technology to produce multiple, robust high-resolution datasets in a single run, which are then evaluated by an elite data analysis team using a multi-tiered approach. The result is more information, more nuanced detail, and the ability to add meaning to the data, revealing the true nature of pipeline anomalies in ways that save time and money.

Truly differentiated tools

Some MFL ILI tools may offer some high-definition capabilities, but these terms often apply only to some of their sensors. With ENTEGRA True UHR, we go one step further with our ultra- high-resolution sensors for all data sets, but that’s just the starting point. Our MFL tools feature double the sensor density of typical ILI technologies, but they are also arranged in a way that is uniquely effective. All sensors are placed to achieve the tightest physical spacing possible, and each tool carries an array of MFL, caliper and low-field sensors onboard. This is combined with our incredibly high sampling rate, which collects approximately 4,000 samples every second, or >32 data points per cm2. Our MFL/CAL/IMU combo tools have also been designed to be highly maneuverable, capably handling back-to-back 1.5D bends, 25% bore restrictions, dual-diameter pipe and challenging launch and retrieval points.

Truly effective data analysis

Once a run is complete, the resulting complementary datasets from the array of sensors are processed by our innovative, proprietary automated software. This provides preliminary insights that then inform our advanced data analysis phase. Our Level III-led data analysis teams review the initial findings alongside historical reporting and operational context to tease critical nuances from the data. This multi-tiered approach results in a new level of clarity that helps our clients prioritize action and reduce unnecessary digs.

Truly actionable information

The systems approach behind True UHR reveals details that are simply unmatched, providing in-depth understanding that informs pipeline decisions to protect integrity. Here are just a few examples of complicated anomalies that are comprehensively characterized with True UHR.

Mechanical Damage

Current state-of-the-art ILI systems can differentiate deformations (e.g. plain dents) from deformations with associated metal loss (e.g. dents with gouge or dent with coincidental corrosion), but they cannot differentiate a gouge from corrosion. The operator is forced to assume that deformations with metal loss are dents with gouges, and gouges without associated deformation get treated as simple corrosion. Gouges are more injurious defects due to the altered metallurgy and the sharp edges. With gouges, cracks can initiate and grow to failure with pressure cycling.

True UHR can differentiate gouges from corrosion, with or without any associated pipe deformation. This eliminates many potential false negative (potential leak) and/or false positive (potential unnecessary dig) calls. Ultimately, it’s the sum of all the peripheral context that allows our DA to distinguish instances of mechanical damage from instances of pits of corrosion.


Pinholes are defined as anomalies as large as the greater of wall thickness or 10mm, but holes of much smaller size can still pose serious problems. The ENTEGRA True UHR system is fine-tuned to provide POD, POI and sizing (POS) of pinholes as small as 3 mm, highlighted in the inset box here.

Long seam anomalies

Blue image of inline inspection data along the long seam, where only True UHR can show the nuance needed.

Detecting potentially injurious metal loss along seams requires not just seeing anomalies but understanding their context. In the top image, MFL sensors picked up small but critical metal loss along a seam. Through ENTEGRA’s True UHR system, analysts were able to interpret the bottom image of metal loss as coincidental, allowing the operator to put the area on their watchlist, but avoid an immediate dig.


UHR inline inspection data on the right verses lower quality and lower detail legacy MFL data shown on the left. Colors of red, green, blue.

Pits-in-pits — deep pinholes within larger areas of light metal loss — are a top integrity concern for operators. The image on the left shows legacy MFL data, revealing an issue but without distinguishing details. The image on the right is a result of True UHR, which identified deep individual features within the larger area of metal loss.

Pipe Grade Classification

Pipeline inspection data aligned on a chart with multiple colors indicating different data points.

Understanding the impact of pipe grade along the entire length of a pipeline is an absolute necessity for pipeline operators. Especially given new Mega Rule requirements. ENTEGRA offers an operator access to accurate and cost-efficient confirmations of their historical pipeline data, as well as the ability to classify unknown pipe joints to maximize throughput, better mitigate risk, and increase ROI.

Truly understand pipeline integrity threats

ENTEGRA developed the True UHR system to give pipeline operators more confidence in the results of their ILI process, for more assurance in the maintenance and repair decisions they make. By reducing false positives (unnecessary digs), false negatives (undiscovered threats), improving uptime and helping operators enhance pipeline safety, True UHR delivers true value in every (single) run.