
Complex Issue: Pits-In-Pits.

Operators tell us that small deep metal loss within larger areas of corrosion – “pits-in-pits”– are their biggest integrity concern. Our job goes beyond discovering and identifying these types of threats, many of which were previously thought to be undetectable with axial MFL. The bottom line: pits-in-pits are just the beginning when it comes to …

Operators tell us that small deep metal loss within larger areas of corrosion – “pits-in-pits”– are their biggest integrity concern. Our job goes beyond discovering and identifying these types of threats, many of which were previously thought to be undetectable with axial MFL. The bottom line: pits-in-pits are just the beginning when it comes to managing complex corrosion.

Our system of Ultra-High-Resolution ILI tools, which includes next-level, human-based analysis, insight and decision making, is what sets us apart. Our ultra-high-resolution ILI system, with its API 1163 qualified pinhole spec, has proven itself more reliable than traditional NDE techniques and even other conventional MFL solutions for accurately detecting, characterizing, and sizing a wide range of complex metal loss. MFL combo tools. Our exclusive CPCM tools. Tethered solutions. Whether run alone or in combination, the ENTEGRA system delivers.

When compared to the impact and cost of a pipeline failure, the cost of an ILI run is insignificant. ENTEGRA’s tech – and team – help our partners to see more, know more and do more. Effectively and cost-efficiently. We’re setting the bar, worldwide, for first-run success, increased throughput, reduced run costs, risk mitigation and ROI. That’s the ENTEGRA difference.